
Life Expectancy at Birth

The map of life expectancy at birth shows the average number of years a group of people born in the same year will live.
Life Expectancy at Birth
Description:This map showing the life expectancy at birth of the world. Disclaimer

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To calculate this data mortality rate at each age is made constant. Life expectancy at birth map is an estimate of how the year 2009 will be. On the basis of this data the overall life expectancy of the world is 65.82 years. Map of life expectancy at birth is primarily divided into five groups.

Countries with world's lowest life expectancy at birth primarily belong to southern part of Africa like Malawi, Zambia, Angola, South Africa, Zimbabwe etc and Afghanistan. These countries have average expected life at birth below the age of 50 years. Next group lying between 50 years to 60 years of age again majorly belongs to the African continent. Some of the countries of this group are Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Namibia and Mali.

Bahamas, Russia, India, Ukraine, North Korea and Vanuatu are few of the countries with an average life expectancy at birth ranging between 60 years and 70 years. 4th group with an average of 70 years to 80 years of age comprises of more that 50% of the world countries. Jersey, Greece, South Korea, Cyprus, Ireland, Argentina, Mexico, Thailand, Brazil and Greenland are the countries to name a few belonging to this group.

World's highest expected life at the time of birth is above the age of 80 years and belongs to countries like Spain, Ital, New Zealand, Israel, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Japan and Macau.

Last Updated on: July 30, 2020