
World Food Consumption

World Food Consumption Map shows a world map where the countries of the world have been shown using different colors according to the daily food consumption in that part of the world.
World Food Consumption
Description:World Food Consumption map indicates food consumption pattern around the world. Disclaimer

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The countries with the maximum food intake i.e. 3,500 calories per person are United States of America, Portugal, France, Turkey etc. Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Australia, Kazakhstan etc have an annual intake of 3,000 to 3,500 calories per person. The countries with the minimum food intake are Afghanistan, Mongolia, Chad, Ethiopia, Angola etc.

Many factors govern the pattern of food-intake. In countries, where maximum population falls into the below poverty line (BPL) category, the per capita food intake is also less. The developed countries enjoy a higher standard of living. So there, the average food intake per person is high.

With a population of about 6 billion, food consumption has become a fast rising concern. As to statistics by World Bank, population in the world is growing by more than 200,000 people a day and that has an impact on world food consumption.

Food consumption can be defined as the amount of food available for human consumption. Sometimes the actual food consumption is lower than to quantity of food available depending upon wastage and losses of food during the process of storage, cooking etc. The per capita food consumption over the world simply means the total food consumption divided by total population.

Last Updated on: March 29, 2017