
World Facts and Trivia

Know Facts about World Countries
Age of Earth 4.6 billion years
Escape Velocity 6.95 miles/s
Radius of Earth 3,959 miles
Total Coastline 372,000 miles
Circumference 24,901 miles
Orbit Speed 66,700 mph
Diameter of Earth 7,918 miles
Sun Orbit 365 days

The total land area of the earth's surface is estimated at 57,392,928 sq mile. This is about 29.1% of the total surface area of Earth.
On average, there are 120 people for every sq mile of the world. Macau, an administrative region in China, has the highest population density - 55,001 per sq mile; on the other hand, places like Mongolia have less than 5 people every sq mile!
By area, the largest country is Russia - 6,592,849 sq mile. The smallest one is Vatican City, a mere 0.17 sq mile. Believe it or not, Russia can hold close to 39 million countries the size of Vatican City!
The earthquake that devastated central China in 1557 and killed 830,000 people was the most lethal of its kind.
The maximum depth of ocean in world is 6.9 miles.
There are certain countries or regions that have descriptive names not really indicative of them, such as Greenland and Dead Sea.
There are 10 countries in the world that are known by separate English names.
There are 14 countries and cities whose names have been changed in the last few years.
The largest and most populated continent is Asia, with an area of 17,212,048 sq mile. The idea of its size can be had from the fact that the total land expanse of the world can't contain even four continents of this size.
According to latest data for 2011, the world population stands at more than 7 billion. Amazingly, the world population has doubled during the last 40 years. It is expected to touch about 10.5 billion by the year 2050.
Caspian Sea is regarded the largest lake in the world. Because of its large spread (143,244 sq mile) and saline water, the ancient people considered it an ocean!
There are 24 time zones around the world.
There are 10 families into which countries around the world can be categorized.
There are 540 volcanoes on earth's surface.
The seasons around the world change owing to earth's orbital positioning.
The average rate of lightings on a global scale is 100 per second.

China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and Laos are the only countries where Communism is still active.
At any time 10% of earth's surface is under ice.
From space earth looks the brightest among all planets, thanks to its water bodies that reflect sunlight.
There are 10 places in the world that are known for their distance from habitable locations such as Badlands in USA and Highlands in UK.
Monaco has the highest population concentration in the world.
Peregrine Falcon has the maximum speeds among birds of the world.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has 26 member nations.
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has 12 member nations.
Burj Khalifa (previously Burj Dubai in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, is the tallest building in the world.
The tallest waterfall in the world is the Angel Falls in Venezuela.
The Earth moves through space at a speed of 66,700 miles/hour.
South Africa has three capital cities - Pretoria (administrative), Cape Town (legislative), and Bloemfontein (judicial).
The aggregate surface are of world is 197 million square miles.
The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is made up of 12 countries.
G-8 or Group of 8 has 8 member nations: France, Canada, Italy, Germany, Russia, Japan, U.S., and UK.
Vatican city is the smallest nation in the world.
Machu Picchu in Peru is also known as "The City in the Clouds" and is one of the Seven Wonders of the world.
Mount Everest in the Himalayas is the tallest peak in the world (elevation 29,035 feet).
Mariana Trench, the deepest place in the world, is situated in the Pacific Ocean.
The estimated literacy rate for the world is 82%. Overall, the male literacy rate (87%) happens to be higher than the female literacy rate (77%).
Greenland is the largest island, with an area of 840,004 sq mile. However, still larger is Australia, even though it is not considered an island officially. If it were, it would beat Greenland by 3.5 times its size!
The estimated amount of snow crystals that drop from skies every year all over the world is 1 septillion.
France has the maximum overseas dependencies - 16 and Denmark and the Netherlands have the least - 2.
Bay of Fundy experiences the highest difference in changes in tide.
The quantity of water used on a daily basis around the world is 400 billion gallons.
The world has only 3% fresh water.
Iceland has ranked as the most livable country in 2007 and in the same year, Sierra Leone ranked as the least livable country.
In 2010, Shanghai in China ranked as the most populated city in the world.
The Persian Gulf is the hottest sea in the world.
Situated in Hawaii, the Mauna Loa volcano is the biggest volcano in the world. With a length of 4,132 miles, the Nile River in Africa is the longest river in the world.
Antarctica is the driest, tallest, and coldest continent in the world.

Last Updated on: September 7th, 2017