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Where is Gettysburg Located in South Dakota, USA

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Where is Gettysburg , South Dakota
Description : Map showing location of Gettysburg in South Dakota, USA Disclaimer

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About Gettysburg , South Dakota
Location: Gettysburg
Latitude: 45.01N
Longitude: 99.57W

Gettysburg, South Dakota

Gettysburg is a small city which is located in South Dakota's Potter County. Covering an area of 1.89 square miles, the town is home to approximately 1,164 people. The city is located in the middle of a prairie and that makes it a perfect destination for fishermen. The city has been named in commemoration of the Battle of Gettysburg, which marked a turning point in favor of the Union in the American Civil War. The city was incorporated in 1907.

Gettysburg is a fabulous tourist destination and provides tourists with a number of sightseeing opportunities. There are a number of places where you can have the perfect dinner such as the medicine Rock Cafe and Bob's resort or grab a cup of coffee at 212 Mini Mall/Coffee Bean. You can also visit some local landmarks such as Gettysburg Country Club and George Holland House and the Dakota Sunset Museum.


Location Map of South Dakota Cities

Last Updated on : August 19th, 2017

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