
Belize Latitude and Longitude Map

Belize's latitude and longitude is 17° 15' N and 88° 45' W . Below is the map of Belize showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it.

Belize Latitude and Longitude Map Mexico Lat Long Guatemala Lat Long Honduras Lat Long
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The latitude and longitude of Belize is 17° 15' North and 88° 45' West. Belize is a Central American country located by the Caribbean Sea.

The area which falls within the above mentioned longitude and latitude of Belize is about 22,966 square kilometers.

The country of Belize in the Northern hemisphere is comparatively a small country with two big neighbors like Mexico and Guatemala. The latitude of Belize falls between the equator and the Tropic of Cancer thus the climatic condition is mostly tropical.

It should be kept in mind that the climatic conditions are different in the region near the Caribbean Sea and the Guatemala mountains. As the longitude of Belize is 88° 45' West the time zone is UTC-6 which is 1 hour behind the standard time of Washington DC.

Latitude and Longitude of Belize

Ambergris Cay18°00'N88°00'W
Belize City17°25'N88°00'E
Benque Viejo17°05'N89°08'W
Maya Mts16°30'N89°00'W
Monkey River16°22'N88°29'W
Orange Walk18°06'N88°33'W
Punta Gorda16°10'N88°45'W
San Antonio16°15'N89°2'W
Turneffe Is.17°20'N87°50'W

Last Updated on: November 9th, 2017