
Portugal Latitude and Longitude Map

Portugal Latitude and Longitude Map
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Portugal Latitude and Longitude Map
Portugal in Europe is situated in between 38°46′ North latitude and 9°9′ West longitude on the Iberian peninsula. The country also has two archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean. These island groups are the Azores and Madeira. When these are included Portugal lies between the latitudes 32° and 43° North, and longitudes 32° and 6° West.
Portugal is one of the warmest European countries and has several distinct climatic zones. It has a Mediterranean climate in the south, interior, and Douro region, as well as the north, central, and coastal Alentejo region. The island groups of Azores and Madeira experience a subtropical climate, though the Savage Islands, part of Madeira, experience very little rainfall (only around 150 mm) and are considered as a desert climate zone.

The mean annual temperature in continental Portugal ranges from 12 °C (53.6 °F) in the north to around 18 °C (64.4 °F) in the south and around the basin of the Guadiana river. The Algarve region has a mild climate similar to southern California or southern Spain. Mean annual rainfall in mainland Portugal ranges from above 3,000 mm (118.1 in) in the northern mountains to even less than 300 mm (11.8 in) around the Massueime River, near Coa. The highest annual rainfall in Portugal is experienced in Mount Pico (more than 6,250 mm /246.1 in annually). Portugal receives between 2,500 to 3,200 hours of sunshine in a year. Summer days are sunny for around 10-12 hours while winter days receive about 406 hours of sunshine and that is why Portugal is a popular holiday destination all year round.

Last Updated on: December 11, 2013