
South America Map

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South America Map

About South America:

South America map with flags of all the 12 independent countries and 2 dependencies. The flag thumbs on the map are clickable and linked to the larger and detailed version of the respective country flags.


South America is bound by the Caribbean Sea in the north, the North Atlantic Ocean in the east and northeast and by the South Atlantic Ocean in the southeast. The South Pacific Ocean borders the continent in the west. In the northwest, the Isthmus of Panama joins South America with North America. South America is also home to a stunning variety of landscapes from desert to rainforest, and from plains to hills.
The manufacturing industries, agriculture, and trade primarily support the economy of South America. The economies of many South American countries are based on export of goods, primarily the export of agricultural products. Brazil and Argentina lead in the export of goods to other nations. Some of the major agricultural products include sugarcane, corn, wheat, soybean, and coffee. South America's mineral resources also contribute substantially to the economy. Some major mineral resources found in South America are petroleum, gold, iron ore, silver, and copper.

Travel and Tourism

Tourism is another important industry in South America that not only enhances the GDP of each country, but also ensures greater job opportunities. The historical sites, architectural marvels, and the natural landscapes of the continent attract millions of tourists every year from all across the globe.

South America is a land of diversity. The Amazon Rainforest and Amazon River, the Atacama Desert, Lake Titicaca, and Angel Falls of Venezuela are some of the major natural attractions of South America. South America has diverse climates from dry and arid to tropical.