Connecticut Counties

Connecticut Counties

by Vishul Malik

The Connecticut Counties serve as geographical dividing lines mainly for the state’s state marshal and judicial system. In 1966, after New Haven Colony and Connecticut Colony combined, four counties of Connecticut were created: Fairfield, Hartford, New London, and New Haven county.

How Many Counties in Connecticut

Connecticut has eight counties in total, although it does not have any local government at the county level. The provincial government exists solely on the municipality level. You can also check this Connecticut County Map which provides the location of all 8 counties on the Connecticut Map.

Oldest and Newest Counties of Connecticut

Litchfield and Windham Counties were formed in the colonial area, and Tolland and Middlesex Counties were created after American Independence in 1785. Six counties of Connecticut were named after the locations in England, and New Haven County was named after the New Haven Colony and Fairfield County was named after the salt marshes bordering the Coast of Connecticut.

Largest and the Smallest County in Connecticut

Litchfield is the largest county in Connecticut, covering an area of 920 square miles (2400 km2), and the smallest is Middlesex County covering an area of 369 square miles (960 km2).

Most Populated County in Connecticut

Fairfield County is the most populated county in Connecticut, while Windham County is the least populated county. The three most populous counties of Connecticut are Fairfield, Hartford and New Haven County. These counties have been further subdivided into several smaller jurisdictions.

Information about maps of all Counties of Connecticut

The maps of all eight counties of Connecticut are available on the website describing facts about counties. The map shows the location of the county within the state, its county seat, state and county boundary. These maps can be used in multiple ways for various purposes.

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