
Cook Island Latitude and Longitude Map

Cook Islands's latitude and longitude is 21° 14' S and 159° 46' W . Below is the map of Cook Islands showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it.
Cook Island Latitude and Longitude Map
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Cook Island is located within the latitude and longitude of 21° 14 S, 159 º 46 W. Cook Island is a group of islands situated in the South Pacific Ocean.

The latitude and longitude of Cook Island includes 236.7 sq km of land. Colombia covers both the northern as well as the southern hemispheres. The capital city of Cook Island is Papeete.Most of these rocky islands of this area located within the latitude and longitude of Cook Island are volcanic in nature. Most recognizable names of islands of Cook Island are Bora Bora, Huahine, Moorea and Tahiti.

The climate within this latitude and longitude of Cook Island is moderate in nature. Here dry season lasts from April to November. Cooling trade winds rock the islands which are located within this latitude and longitude of Cook Island.

Latitude and Longitude of Cook Island

Danger Is./Pukapuka10°53'S165°49'W
Savage I./Niue19°2'S169°54'W

Last Updated on: November 10th, 2017