Map of Suriname with Cities

Suriname in the northern part of South America borders the north Atlantic Ocean and lies between French Guiana and Guyana. Suriname cities fall under different administrative districts. There are a total of 10 administrative divisions which consists of a number of Suriname cities or towns. The capital of Suriname is Paramaribo.
The major cities of Suriname are Lelydorp, Marienburg, Meerzorg, Moengo, Nieuw Amsterdam, Nieuw Nickerie and Paramaribo. The total population combining the cities an towns of Suriname is approximately 100.000. Other cities in Suriname are Albina, Aorora, Batavia, Groningen, Jenny etc.
The cities of Suriname provide interesting tours for the visitors to the country. Most of the large Suriname cities are made up of an urbanized business and shopping sectors, a mixed community, educational institutes and a well developed travel and transportation system. Paramaribo, Lelydorp, Nieuw Nickerie, Moengo, Brownseq, Albina are the largest cities in Suriname. There are a number of smaller cities and towns and districts apart from the big cities.
Aurora | Sabana | Goddo |
Jenny | Nieuw Amsterdam | Kajana |
Batavia | Albina | Nieuw Nickerie |
Groningen | Allianc | Totness |
Wageningen | Apetina | Zanderij |
Paramaribo | Boskamp |