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Education in Argentina

by Vishal Kumar

Education in Argentina has made the country one of the most literate lands in Latin America. The system of education existing in Argentina imparts knowledge not only to the native inhabitants…

Education in Argentina has made the country one of the most literate lands in Latin America. The system of education existing in Argentina imparts knowledge not only to the native inhabitants but to the alien population too, leading in extensive spread of basic schooling among the assorted residents of the land.

Primary Educational System

Education in Argentina at the primary level is complimentary and obligatory for the inhabitants. Three different laws passed successively in 1884 and 1890s set forth the quality and standards of education in elementary levels.These schools follow the teaching methods of induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, interrogation, and demonstration. At the completion of the schools, a diploma called “Certificado de Terminacion de Estudios Primarios” is awarded to the students, allowing them to peruse higher education.

The subjects studied and covered by the students at this basic level comprise the following:

  • Natural History
  • Civil Defense
  • Thrift and Budgeting
  • Music
  • Drawing
  • Arithmetic
  • Geometry
  • Geography
  • Spanish
  • History
  • Home economics
  • Courtesy

Introduction to general concepts on:

  • Visual Arts
  • Ethical, courteous and social human relationships
  • Various governmental establishments
  • Local and historical events
  • National and international happenings
  • Inhabitants of the biological world
  • Different human organisms
  • Written and spoken languages

Secondary Education level

Secondary education in Argentina, better known as “Polimodal” permits the students to choose individual orientations. This level is not compulsory for the students, but a successful completion of the secondary studies results in admission at the college levels to continue further education. Schools in the secondary levels generally offer a four year course study.

College and University Education in Argentina

College-level education in Argentina held in plenty of private, public and free universities seldom reserve seats only for the well-off students. founded in 1613, the National University of Córdoba, as the nation’s oldest university, University of Buenos Aires (1821), the largest Argentinean university, National Technical University at Buenos Aires and other main national universities at Mendoza, La Plata, Rosario and San Miguel de Tucumán contributed much to the promotion of much higher learning.

Religious Education

Religious education in Argentina was temporarily annulled during the brief dictatorship of Pedro Pablo Ramírez, due to political reasons. However, due to high public demands, the government was somewhat forced to re-open these institutions in 1943.

The overall standards of Education in Argentina are high, imparting quality knowledge through a host of learned teaching professionals. These instructors are more interested in making the students gain some knowledge, rather than teaching just for the sake of it. When instructors are of such high mentalities, the teaching imparted in that country is bound to guide and enlighten the students towards betterment and progress in future.

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