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Latvia Police Station

by Aakash Singha

Latvia is a safe country for the tourists. The force employed by the Latvia police station is always careful devoted to its duties. They take all the necessary measures and actions to…

Latvia is a safe country for the tourists. The force employed by the Latvia police station is always careful devoted to its duties. They take all the necessary measures and actions to protect the local citizens and also visitors to the counrty. However, you must not depend totally on the police. You should also take some responsibilities and follow certain basic safety and security rules while traveling through the country of Latvia. Some of the basiec ones are:

  • You must lock your car while leaving it unattended
  • You must follow all the necessary traffic rules
  • You must follow the rules while crossing the roads

In 2006, the total number of Latvia police station was 11. Some of the Latvian cities and states where police stations are located are listed below:

  • Elgava
  • Riga Aerport region
  • Saulkrasty
  • Ogskiy region
  • Tsecis region
  • Urmala
  • Riga region
  • Limbazhsky region
  • Ekabpilsky region
  • Liepay

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