Mexico Map

Mexico Map

by Vishal Kumar


Explore this Mexico map to learn everything you want to know about this country. Learn about Mexico’s location on the world map, official symbol, flag, geography, climate, postal/area/zip codes, time zones, etc. Check out Mexico’s history, significant states, provinces/districts, & cities, most popular travel destinations and attractions, the capital city’s location, facts and trivia, Top 10 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), and many more. 

About Mexico

Mexico, known as the United Mexican States, is a country located in the southern part of North America. It is the third largest country in Latin America after Brazil and Argentina. Mexico is a unique blend of a rich cultural legacy and the vibrant history of advanced civilization. The country has a federal republic government with the President as head of the state and government. The government in Mexico is divided into three branches: Judicial, executive, and legislative, which work independently in their respective spheres. The country is one of Latin America’s chief economic and political forces. The United Mexican States (Estados Unidos Mexicanos) has 31 socially and physically diverse states and the Federal District. More than half of the population lives in the center of Mexico, whereas vast areas of the arid north and the tropical south are sparsely settled.

Mexico Flag

The flag of Mexico was adopted on September 16, 1986. The flag of Mexico is a tricolor featuring three vertical bands of equal size. From left to right, in the flag, these bands are colored green, white, and red, respectively. In the center of the band is the national coat of arms, depicting an eagle holding a serpent, among other details. The colors in the Mexican flag signify green is hope and victory, white is for purity of Ideals, and Red is the blood shed by the national heroes. One can explore MapsofWorld for more details about the national flag of Mexico.

Mexico Location

Mexico Location Map shows the exact location of Mexico on the world map.  As shown on the map, Mexico is located in southern North America. The country shares its boundary with

  • the United States to the north
  • Guatemala and Belize to the southeast 
  • Greenland to the northeast
  • The Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean to the east
  • The Pacific Ocean to the west and south

The Latitude and Longitude extent of Mexico is 14. and 33. N Latitude and 86. and 119. W Longitude. One can check this Latitude and Longitude Map of Mexico for more information.

Mexico Capital

The capital of Mexico is Mexico City. It is the largest city in North America in terms of population and has fantastic historical landmarks. Mexico city is established on the dry bed of Lake Texcoco in the Valley of Mexico. Mexico City is situated on a high plateau and has a high altitude of 2,200 meters above sea level. Mountains and volcanoes surround the city. Mexico City is Mexico’s cultural, educational, financial, and political center. 

Mexico Time Zone

Mexico has four standard time zones. There are three corresponding DST time zones. The central and most eastern part of Mexico, including its capital Mexico City, has a central standard Time (Zona Centro). Most of western Mexico, including Chihuahua, Nayarit, Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, and Sonora, use Mountain Standard Time (Zona Pacifico). Much smaller time zones flank the country’s far east and far west. The state of Baja California observes Eastern Standard Time (Zona Sureste), and Mexico’s easternmost state, Quintana Roo, observes Eastern Standard Time (Zona Sureste)

Mexico Geography

The Physical Map of Mexico has all the valuable details about its physical features of Mexico. Mexico has substantial variation in the topography of Mexico. Almost all of the country lies on the North American Plate, with small parts of the Baja California peninsula on the Pacific and Cocos plates. Mexico’s total area of 1,972,550 km2 (761,606 sq mi) makes it the world’s 13th largest country by total area. Mexico has coastlines on the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of California, and the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea (Pacific Ocean). Mexico has roughly a triangular shape covering an area about three times the size of Texas. The country is more than 1850 miles (3,000 km) across from northwest to southeast. Its width varies from less than 135 miles (217 km) at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to more than 1,200 miles (1,900 km) north. The country is divided into the following physiographic regions.

  • Baja California Peninsula
  • Pacific Coastal lowlands
  • Mexican Plateau
  • Eastern Sierra Madre Occidental 
  • Western Sierra Madre Oriental
  • Cordillera Neovolcanica
  • Gulf Coastal Plain
  • Yucatan Peninsula 

Mexico Climate 

The country enjoys temperate and tropical climates because of its location on the Tropic of Cancer that passes through it. Mexico has various climatic conditions due to its vast size and topographic diversity. Tropical climate dominates areas lying south of the Tropic of Cancer, and more than half of the country lies south of the Tropic of Cancer. Semiarid and arid conditions predominate over much of the Mexican Plateau in Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts in northern Mexico. The mean annual temperature of the country is 20.6.C, with average monthly temperatures ranging between 15. C (January) and 25. C (June). Season temperature variations are minimal in the south.

Mexico History

Historically, Mexico was occupied by the natives of advanced civilizations, including Aztecs, Mayan, Toltec, Zapotec, Teotihuacan, and Olmec. It was long before Europeans reached Mexico. It was in 1519 AD that a crew of Spanish soldiers, along with Hernando Cortes, sailed to Mexico in search of treasure. By 1521 AD, they had defeated and conquered the Aztec Empire. For the next 300 years, Mexico remained a colony of Spain. The revolt of Independence began in Mexico in 1810. In 1821 after the signing of the Treaty of Cordoba, the Independence of Mexico was recognized.

In the next forty years following the Independence of Mexico, 56 governments, two emperors, several dictators, and many presidents resigned. The country struggled to face political stability. Between 1836 and 1848, Mexico lost some of its territories, including Texas, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, parts of Arizona, and California, to the United States, which is now part of the USA. Between 1858 and 1861, the Civil war broke out in Mexico. In 1861, Benito Juarez was elected as the President. In 1910, the Mexican Revolution began, and by 1917, a new constitution was established. National Revolutionary party was established in 1821. In 1994 Mexico joined the USA and Canada in signing North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Mexico  States

The United Mexican States comprises 31 states and the capital of Mexico City, the Federal District. Each state in the country has its congress and Constitution. The Political Map of Mexico provides all the insightful detail.

Mexico Major Cities

Mexico has 31 states and one federal district. Each state of the country is independent with a level of autonomy. Further,  Each state is divided into municipalities, each with its council headed by a mayor. The Mexico Cities Map depicts useful details about the major cities in Mexico. The major cities of Mexico are:

Mexico Airports

Mexico has about 77  registered Airports, with 45 airports certified with the status of International. The busiest and most popular airport in the country is Mexico City International Airport (Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Juarez) in Mexico City. The other widely used and major airports in Mexico include Cancun International Airport (largest passenger traffic in Mexico), Guadalajara International Airport, Monterrey International Airport, and The New International Airport. Check this Mexico Aiports Map for more info.

Mexico Zip Codes or Postal Codes

Postal codes in Mexico are of five digits and are modeled on the US ZIP Code system. Postal codes in the country are issued by SEPOMEX (service postal Mexicano)(Mexican Postal Service). The first two digits of the postal code identify a state, and assignments are done alphabetically by state name, except for codes in the 0xxxx-1xxxx range, which identify the boroughs of Mexico City. 

Mexico Travel

Mexico attracts tourists year-round owing to its majestic mountains, vast beaches, beautiful lakes, and valleys. The country is ranked among the world’s top thirty countries in tourism. The majority of tourists come to Mexico from Canada and the United States. One can refer to Mexico’s rail and road maps for further details. Some of the popular places to visit in Mexico:

  • Cancun and the Mayan
  • Puerto Vallarta
  • Cabo San Lucas and Los Cabos Corridor
  • Copper Canyon: Mexico’s Grand Canyon
  • Mexico City’s Historic Center
  • Guanajuato
  • The ancient fortress of 
  • Cozumel: Island Life

FAQs on Mexico

FAQ #1: What continent is Mexico on?

Ans:  Mexico is located in the southern portion of North America. 

Faq #2: What Is The Capital Of Mexico?

Ans: Mexico City is the largest city and national capital of Mexico. It is the cultural, educational, financial, and Political center.

FAQ #3:When did Mexico gain Independence? 

Ans: The country declared Independence on September 16, 1810, and recognized Independence. On September 27, 1821, the Army of three Guaranteed entered Mexico City.

Faq #4: Where is Mexico City?

Ans: Mexico City is located at an altitude of 2,240 meters (7,350 ft) in the valley of Mexico (Basin of Mexico). Mexico city is located in the high plateaus of South-central Mexico. 

Faq #5: What is the time zone of Mexico?

Ans: Most of Mexico uses the Central Standard, officially named Zona Centro or Central zone.

FAQ #6: Does it snow in Mexico?

Ans: Twelve out of the thirty-two states of the country experience snowfall.

FAQ #7:How many states are in Mexico?

Ans: There are 32 states in Mexico. 

FAQ #8:Is Baja California in Mexico?

Ans:  Baja California is a state in Mexico. Baja California is the northernmost and westernmost of the 32 federal entities of Mexico.

FAQ #9: What to do in Mexico city?

Ans: Mexico City has some of the Latin world’s museums and galleries. There are many things to do in Mexico City, some of which are visiting the artisanal market, la Ciudadela, visiting the house where Frida Kahlo lived and died, and the little Venice in the middle of Mexico City, and more.

Ans: FAQ #10: How big is Mexico?

Ans:  Mexico covers an area of about 1,972,550 square kilometers including 6000 square kilometers of islands in the Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and the Gulf of California.

Where is Mexico

Where is Mexico located on the world map? Mexico is located in North America and lies between latitudes 23° 0′ N, and longitudes 102° 00′ W. The Map shows Mexico, highlighted in red in the world map.

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Mexican Flag

Mexico’s flag (Bandera de Mexico) consists of three vertical stripes of green, white and red, with Mexico’s coat of arms in the center. It was adopted on September 16, 1968, but the same flag has been used by Mexicans since 1821, the year when it was originally designed.

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Mexico Map Outline

Blank Map of Mexico (Mapa De Mexico en Blanco) shows the political boundary and shape of Mexico country. Outline Map Mexico can be used for classroom purposes.

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Mexico Railroad Map

Mexico Railroad Map shows the railway tracks and the capital city with international boundary. The Map shows the towns and cities that are connected through the railway network.

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Rivers in Mexico

Rivers in Mexico Map displaying the lakes and flowing route of the Mexico rivers. The rivers of Mexico include the Colorado, Rio Grande, Rio Lerma, and more. Rio Grande forms the border between Mexico and USA for about 2000 kms.

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Map of Mexico City

Map of Mexico City, the capital of Mexico and the largest city by population in North America shows educational institutions, museums, airports, shopping centres, hospitals , hotels and major landmarks of Mexico City.

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