Yemen Map

Yemen Map

by Vishal Kumar


About Yemen

Explore this Yemen map to learn everything you want to know about this country. Learn about Yemen location on the world map, official symbol, flag, geography, climate, postal/area/zip codes, time zones, etc. Check out Yemen history, significant states, provinces/districts, & cities, most popular travel destinations and attractions, the capital city’s location, facts and trivia, and many more.

Full name: Republic of Yemen.
Capital City: Sana’a.
Language: Arabic
Currency: Yemeni Riyal.
Religion: Muslim-Sunni and Shiite.
National Anthem: “United Republic”written in Arabic and beginning with the words “Raddidi Ayyatuha ‘D-dunya Nashidi”.
Newspaper: Saba, Yemen Observer and Yemen Times, Al Ayyam, Al Thawra.
Places to Visit: Sana’a, Bait Baus, Wadi Dhahr, Thula – Hababah, Al-Khokha, Al-Djanad – Mosque, Wadi Doan, Aden, Habban,.
Transport: Airways:- there are international airports in Sana’a, Aden and other cities; Highways; Ports:-Aden and Al Hudaydah are the chief ones.
Shopping: pottery, basket weaving, beadworks, ceramics, enameled paintings, embroidery works, matting, artistic glass works, lace-making, leather works and handicrafts of shells.

Formerly under the Ottoman Empire, Yemen gained independence in 1918. The name of the country supposedly has several sources. According to the legends, it is said to have been derived from an old Arabic word – ‘Al-Yumn’ – meaning ‘grace’ or ‘prosperity’.

Physical Map of Yemen :

Yemen consists of diversity in landscape. It has coasts, deserts, mountains, rocky land and also plain stretches of land. There are no perennial water bodies in Yemen. However, there are some seasonal ones. Off the coast of Yemen are a few islands too which form a part of the country. These are: Socotra, Perim and Kamaran. Yemen is surrounded in by the water bodies of Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Arabian Sea and Gulf of Aden.

Location of Yemen :

The country of Yemen lies in the southwest of Asia, better known as the Middle-East.

It lies to one side of the Arabian Peninsula. The neighboring countries of Yemen are Oman and Saudi Arabia. It is surroundes by the water bodies of Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Arabian Sea and Gulf of Aden and is separated from the Continent of Africa by the Bab el Mandeb strait.

Flag of Yemen :

Yemen’s flag is a simple tricolor comprising of the main colors of the African and also Arab fraternity. The whole flag consists of three equal horizontal stripes of red, white and black. It has been in use since 1990.

Climate of Yemen :

Yemen generally boasts of a desert climate – it is typically hot and dry with temperatures rocketing to even 100°s. However, there is a change in the climate which depends on the landscape as well. For example, it is hot and humid along the coast; moderate in the mountains due to regular rains and hot and dry in the desert. Yemen has two rainy spells; one between April and May and the other between July and September.

Flora and Fauna of Yemen :

The flora in Yemen comprises of sparse vegetation near the coast and dense vegetation as the land proceeds towards higher land. The chief of the trees that grow in Yemen are the date palms, Judas tree and acacias. The land is blessed with an abundance of fruits as well. Some of them are euphorbia, grapes, spurge and custard apple. The land of Yemen is plentiful in herbs too. Two of the most famous ones are balsam and basil. The fauna of the land forms a rich and diverse list of gazelles, baboons and leopards. Another unique species of fauna is the mountain hare. The avian fauna too forms a pretty inventory consisting of hornbills, vultures, honey suckers, hawks, parrots, ravens, bustards and weaver finches.

People of Yemen :

The people of Yemen are predominantly Muslim. They however, belong to different places. The chief indigenous divisions are the Zaydi and the Shafii. The other ethnicities include Europeans, Asians – like Pakistanis and Indians – while the others are mostly Somalis, Arabs, Eritreans and Afro-Arabs.

Arts, Culture and Music of Yemen :

The culture of Yemen is reminiscent of Indian culture as it was once ruled by the British as a part of India.

The music of Yemen revolves around the Homayni or the Sanaan singing. This type of singing involves that the performer be under a subtle influence of intoxicants. Art works in Yemen include pottery, basket weaving, beadworks, ceramics, enameled paintings, embroidery works, matting, artistic glass works, lace-making, leather works and handicrafts made of shells.

Economy of Yemen :

The chief support of the economy in Yemen is furnished by its oil resource. Apart from petroleum, which brings in majority of the revenue, fish, rock salt, marble, coal, gold, lead, nickel and copper come a close second to further Yemen’s economy. The other major grosser is agriculture which is practiced in the western region of Yemen.

Keep surfing Mapsofworld for all the information you need about the Republic of Yemen and any other place in the world.

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