Parachuting Skydiving

Parachuting-skydiving , one of the most exciting adventure sports is now-a-days treated as both a competitive sport as well as a part of training for military personnel. The sport involves both an initial free fall from a specific height of around 13,000 feet and then using the parachutes to regulate the fall. Usually, trained skydivers fly in the light cargo aircrafts for diving. Sometimes helicopters or balloons are also used instead of the aircrafts in flying up. Once the parachute is activated, the skydivers can easily control their speed and direction of descent. There are several variations of the sport like Hit and rock, Swoop and chug, Cross-Country and many more. The sport is categorized into several disciplines according to the places of jumping like Accuracy Landing, Blade Running, BASE jumping, Big-ways, Canopy Formation and others.

The main origin of the sport of skydiving or parachuting lies in the use of the sport in military activities. It is usually governed by the FAI or the Federation Aeronautique Internationale which holds a number of tournaments. The sky divers should be competent at the use of parachutes and parachute landing . Some of the free divers also perform several tricks or aerobics while flying down. The leap involves danger but casualty rate is low as the sky-divers carry a second parachute as an added safety measure.

Parachuting or skydiving is one of the most popular sports across the globe in spite of the dangers associated with it. It seems that these dangers actually adds thrill to the sport for which the participants are attracted to it. The sport is gradually crossing its limited boundaries and is expected to be globally popular within a short time.

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