Adventure Sports

Adventure Sports

by poonam bisht

Adventure Sports

Adventure sports also known as Extreme sports are so named because of the inherent danger involved and the extreme adrenalin rush they provide.

An exact definition and classification for a sport to fall in this category is unclear, though many attempts have been made. Joe Tomlinson classified adventure sports into those that take place in air, land, and water.

Because of the advancements and the ever evolving technology, the sports which traditionally might have been classified as adventure sport today might not fall in that category. With the knowledge and technology available it is possible to control the environment variables and increase safety measures which has led to many innovations and multitude activities have been introduced in adventure sports.

You can choose from a wide variety of activities depending on the type and amount of risk involved. Some of the adventure sports are as follows:-

Backpacking Zorbing
Ballooning Stunt pogo
Barefoot skiing Unicycling
Base jumping Windsurfing
Ice climbing Wheeling
Motor sports BMX
Motorcycling Cave Diving
Paintball Motocross


Bungee Jumping

Bungee jumping or the adventure sport involving jumping from tall structures while remaining attached to a large rubber cord gives an exceptional feeling of fun, adventure and flying-all at the same time. The…

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Mountain Sports

A number of adventure sports involving mountains are popular all over the world. Some of them are as follows: – Hiking in general refers to walking amidst the natural environment for…

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Parachuting Skydiving

Parachuting-skydiving , one of the most exciting adventure sports is now-a-days treated as both a competitive sport as well as a part of training for military personnel. The sport involves both an initial free fall from a specific height of around…

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Snowmobiling is one of the few adventure sports in which a participant uses a vehicle and moves over the snows while trying to reach the finishing line before other competitors. The vehicles are…

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Tricking is one of the popular adventure sports , which is considered to be one of the latest entrants in the world of adventure sports . Tricking is said to have evolve from two sports, gymnastics and martial arts . The…

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Water Sports

Water sports form an integral part of the adventure sports. A wide variety of water sports are available for both water and adventure enthusiasts. Water sports can be divided in…

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