Italy Weather

Italy exhibits extremely diverse weather conditions. The weather in Italy remains stable during summers but climatic conditions keep varying in the autumn, winter, and spring seasons.

During the afternoon and night hours in the summer season, the northern regions, face thunderstorms and grey rainy weather. The Italy weather during spring and autumn is quite unpredictable. At times the temperature rises like in summers and then suddenly falls down bringing in the snow in Italy.

The Italy weather varies from place to place. The inland northern areas of Italy experience a continental climate, while the coastal areas of Liguria and the peninsula south of Florence experience the Mediterranean climate. The winters are mild and the summers are hot and dry. The climatic conditions of the coastal areas of the peninsula are quite different from that of the interior regions, especially in the winter months. The regions at higher altitudes experience a cold and wet climate and it frequently snows in these regions.

There is a notable difference between the temperature of the northern and southern regions, especially in winters. For example, if Milan experiences snow and the temperature there falls by -2 ° C, then in Rome temperature might be +12°C and in Palermo, it would be +18°C. Summers are moderately the same everywhere throughout Italy.

January is the coldest month and the 29th, 30th, and 31st of January are the coldest days. Thus, in the native language, they are called “Giornata Della Merla” which means “days of the blackbird”. February is equally cold and freezing and Italians call it “Corto e maledetto” which means “short and accursed”.

March is the month of unpredictable weather. Italians call it “Marzo è pazzarello” which means “March is crazy”. The weather is quite chilly, windy, and rainy. The days get longer and spring creeps in from the 21 st of March. April with a warm climate is the month for tourists in Italy. Italians call it “Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi” which means “Christmas with the family”.

The month of May is warm with lovely roses blooming across Italy. June with the longest day 21 st of June experiences weather quite similar to that in May, but it gets extremely hot towards the end. Especially the southern areas experience great heat.

July and August are extremely hot. September is the finest time to visit Italy. The temperature starts falling and the weather becomes dry marking the beginning of autumn on September 23.

In October the days are bright and sunny and called “ottobrate romane” by the Italians. The temperature is often very low in the northern regions of Italy and the regions at higher altitudes, especially during the night.

November has short days and the weather usually is quite rainy though not very cold. December holds the shortest days of the year with a temperature falling extremely.

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