Flight to Cyprus

Flight to Cyprus includes flight services of Cyprus Airways, Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines, Lufthansa, Thai Air International, etc.

While traveling from Dallas to Larnaca you can avail flights of American Airlines, Cyprus Airways, KLM and Lufthansa. The average airfare per person on a flight of American Airlines and Cyprus Airways from Dallas to Cyprus is $2,486.40. 25 hour 40 minutes is the duration which is taken by these flights to reach Cyprus.

The same flight on Lufthansa costs an airfare of $2,969.60 from Dallas to Cyprus. The total duration taken by this flight is 16 hour 10 minutes.

Qantas Airways, Cyprus Airways, Singapore Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Thai Air International, Gulf Air, etc. are the airlines to Cyprus which you can avail while traveling from Auckland to Cyprus.

From Auckland to Cyprus the average airfare per person in the flights Qantas Airways, Singapore Airlines and Cyprus Airways is $8,245.60. 45 hour 5 minutes is the duration of this flight to Cyprus.

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