Map of Georgia

Map of Georgia

by Vishal Kumar


About Georgia

Explore this Georgia map to learn everything you want to know about this country. Learn about Georgia location on the world map, official symbol, flag, geography, climate, postal/area/zip codes, time zones, etc. Check out Georgia history, significant states, provinces/districts, & cities, most popular travel destinations and attractions, the capital city’s location, facts and trivia, and many more.

Full name: Republic of Georgia
Capital City: Tbilisi
Language: Georgian is the official language. Armenian and Russian are also spoken.
Currency: Lari
Religion: Orthodox Christianity, ethnic Armenian Church, Islam, Roman Catholicism, Jewish.
National Anthem: ‘Freedom’ or ‘Dideba zetsit kurtheuls’
Newspaper: Georgian Times, The Messenger, Georgia Today
Places to Visit: Tbilisi, Vani, Kutaisi, Nokalakevi, Poti, Gudauri, Batumi, Kakheti.
Transport Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, is directly connected through air network to cities like Berlin and Frankfurt in Germany, Amsterdam, London, Athens, Istanbul, Moscow, Vienna, Prague and Paris. The major airlines flying to Tbilisi are Austrian Airlines, Air Ukraine, Aeroflot, Turkish Airlines, British Airways, and the national carrier Airzena Georgian Airlines.Road network is also quite developed with highways connecting Tbilisi with Istanbul, although the journey maybe a tedious affair with over 40 hours of ride.
Shopping: Georgian ceramics, embroidery, jewelry, wine, brandy, and antique pieces

Physical Map of Georgia

Georgia is known as the mountainous country wherein the Caucasus Mountains extend along the northern, central and southern side, while the Lesser Caucasus Mountains dictate over the serene landscape, corresponding along the borders of Turkish and Armenia while connecting itself to the Greater Mountainous range of Caucasus.

It is due to these ranges the region’s linguistic differences thrive in unity.

Mt. Kazbek: Country’s highest peak point, which is about 16,558 ft.

Mt. Elbrus: Europe’s highest point nestled in northern border of Georgia that is about 18,841 ft.

Brasstown Bald: Georgia’s highest point in Georgia that is about 4,784 feet and the lowest being the sea level.

Location of Georgia

The Republic of Georgia is a picturesque country located in the southeastern parts of Europe sharing its borders with the neighboring countries of Turkey and Armenia in the south, Azerbaijan in the east and Russia in the north. The western coastline of Georgia is bordered by the Black Sea. Georgia can ideally be called a Eurasian country because it is situated at the juncture of Western Asia and Eastern Europe.

The Kolkhida Lowlands faces the Black Sea in the western part of the country while the Blue Ridge Mountains stand majestically along the northern side of the region. The central region of the area extends from the mountainous foothills that descend along the continental coastal plain near the southern part of the state.

The largest river of this region is Mtkvari, which was previously named as Kura, passes through the northeastern part of the Turkey crossing the eastern plains of Georgia that ultimately ascends into the Caspian Sea. The Rioni River meander along the western part of the Georgia while originating from the Greater Caucasus, finally resides into the Black Sea along the port of Poti. The place is even prone to regular occurrence of earthquakes and landslides.

Flag of Georgia

The present flag of Georgia was adopted on 14th January 2004. It is rectangular in shape in the ratio of 2:3. The base color of the flag is white with a red cross and four smaller crosses in the four quarters.

Climate Of Georgia Georgia can be identified as a subtropical climatic region, which is affected from the western and eastern Mediterranean influences. The Greater Caucasus ranges act as a barricade against the northern cold air. The Black Sea generates a warm with slightly moist air, slide along the coastal lowlands from the western region. It is the Black sea, which determines the climatic condition of this area. Caucasus Mountain regions have cold winters with heavy snow. Southern part of the region witness mild chilly weather. Hot summers affect the eastern region.

The Kolkhida Lowlands inland especially the region from Abkhazia to the Turkish border is governed with a high level of humidity and intense precipitation.

The eastern Georgia plains are safeguarded through the mountains from the effects of the Black Sea, which witnesses a continental climatic condition round the year. Summers are ranging between 20° C to 24° C, whereas winters tend to amount to 2° C to 4° C. The highland Alpine regions near the east and west are affected with semi-arid weather accompanied with frequent amount of snow and ice. The higher altitude, precipitation is quite recurrent as noticed along the eastern plain.

Flora and fauna of Georgia

Republic of Georgia is home to a rich and varied resource of flora and fauna. The rolling plains and subtropical climate supports the growth of trees such as oak, elm, beech, and black alder. Amongst the wild animals found in the forests of Georgia the most common are Caucasian antelope, European wild boar, Caucasian goats, mountain goats, leopards and various types of reptiles and amphibians.

There are about 160 assorted species of birds in Georgia, among which the mockingbird, brown thrasher (the state bird), sparrows, snowy egret, bobwhite quail and white ibis can be frequently seen.

People of Georgia

In spite of overseas supremacy Georgia still retains a discrete and a distinctive culture that gained its influence from the Asian and European way of life. Most of the population has settled along the coastal region of the Black Sea and along the Kura River valley.

There are several national groups residing in Georgia like the Georgians, Armenians, Russians, and Azerbaijanis. The Georgian language is the official language spoken within the region. The religions that thrive within the country are Orthodox Christianity, Muslim, Azerbaijanis, Kurds, and Judaism.

Art, Culture and Music of Georgia

Art: The history of art in Georgia dates back to the prehistoric times. Remnants of cave paintings can still be seen in the rural parts of the country. In the medieval ages, Greek and Roman influences on the art of Georgia was profound. Modern art here is dominated by visual arts. Niko Pirosmani, Elene Akhvlediani and Lado Gudiashvili are some of the twentieth century famous artists of Georgia.

Culture: The 11th century marks the Golden Period in the culture of Georgia. Art, literature, science and philosophy reached their zenith during this period. The cultural character of Georgia is the result of thousands of years of social evolution. Iberian Colchian civiliozations had a marked influence over the culture of Georgia. Later on the Greek and Roman civilizations and Russian Empire contributed the distinctive characteristics to the culture of Georgia. Presently, Georgia is noted for its theatre, art and cinema. Folklores and traditional music are also celebrated in the country.

Music: In Georgia music is celebrated as the soul of life. Georgia boasts of a music tradition that is ancient in nature. Some of world’s oldest polyphonic music can be found in Georgia. Traditional Georgian songs are sung deep-throated with a sonorous vocal quality. The tonal modulations of Georgian folksongs are truly soul-stirring. Zedashe Ensemble is a Georgian group of folk musicians and dancers who perform at various international events.

Economy of Georgia

The economic growth of Georgia revolves round the country’s agricultural production and even around the tourism industry as it attracts several tourists around the Black Sea. Citrus, tea, grapes, hazelnut are cultivated in this place that stabilizes the revenue growth within the country. Manganese and copper mining is also done within the country. The production of alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, metals, machinery and chemicals add to the income earned by the state.

The country suffices its needs through the goods imported from other nations like fuels, machinery and parts, transport equipment, grain, pharmaceuticals and many other items.

The goods that are supplied to other regions include commodities like scrap metal, machinery, chemicals, fuel, citrus fruits, tea, wine.

Georgia Flag

The official flag of Georgia was adopted on 14th January 2004 when Saakashvili won the presidential elections and made the flag of his party the official flag of Georgia by law.

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