Dominica Map

Dominica Map

by Vishal Kumar


About Dominica

Explore this Dominica map to learn everything you want to know about this country. Learn about Dominica location on the world map, official symbol, flag, geography, climate, postal/area/zip codes, time zones, etc. Check out Dominica history, significant states, provinces/districts, & cities, most popular travel destinations and attractions, the capital city’s location, facts and trivia, and many more.

Official Name Commonwealth of Dominica
Capital Roseau
Population 71,540
Area 750 sq km or 289 sq mi
Currency East Caribbean
Religion Christianity
Literacy 90%
Languages English and French Patois
Major Cities Roseau, Portsmouth
Climate Tropical climate

Dominica was once a British protectorate and had assumed the status of a British Associate State in 1967. The county gained full independence on November 3 1978.

Location of Dominica

Dominica lies in the Lesser Antilles in Eastern Caribbean and is approximately halfway between the islands of Guadeloupe on the north and Martinique on the south.

Physical Map of Dominica

The country of Dominica is mountainous in nature with several peaks rising even above 4,000 ft and all these mountains are covered with rich forests. The country’s high annual rainfall contributes to the rich and fertile forests. Being volcanic in nature, the country has many volcanoes. Small, un-navigable rivers and lakes also dot the island. One of the most famous lakes is the Boiling Lake, located in the south, from which sulfurous gases frequently arise.

Flag of Dominica

The flag of Dominica is green, with a centered cross of three equal bands. The vertical part of the flag towards the hoist side is yellow; then black, and then white. The horizontal part is again yellow, then black, and then white. The center of the cross is superimposed with a red disk bearing a sisserou parrot encircled by 10 green, five-pointed stars edged in yellow. The 10 stars represent the 10 administrative divisions (parishes).

Climate of Dominica

The island has a tropical climate with an average annual temperature of about 27°C. The annual rainfall is considerable, ranging from about 1,780 mm on the coast to more than three times that figure in the mountains.

People of Dominica

Dominica is mainly made up of the black, constituting over 90 per cent of the population. They are basically descendants of the slaves brought from Africa in the 18th century. A small group of Carib also inhabits the island. Though English is the official language, French Patois is also widely spoken. Majority of the population are Roman Catholics.

Economy of Dominica

High annual rainfall has given way to rich, fertile soil in Dominica. This, in turn, has promoted farming and today farming forms the backbone of the economy in Dominica. Agricultural products grown include bananas, citrus fruit (especially grapefruit and limes), coconuts, cocoa, cinnamon, vanilla beans, and vegetables. Manufacturing is limited to processing of farm products. Fruit juices, alcoholic beverages, soap, and essential oils forms the main manufactured products.

Where is Dominica

World map shows the location of Dominica in the world encircled in black. Dominica is a small fertile island, in the eastern Caribbean Sea, formed from volcanic activity.

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Dominica Independence Day

Dominica Independence Day is celebrated to recognize Dominica’s independence from Great Britain in Nov 3, 1978. The country commemorates its independence with a season of cultural activities which can last as long as four weeks.

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Dominica River Map

Dominica River Map shows various river flows and waterbodies across the Dominica. The country has abundance of rivers and water. There are 365 rivers and streams emanating from 35 watershed areas into which the island is divided.

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Roseau Map

Roseau Map depicts landmarks, roads, rail network, airports and important places of the capital city Roseau. It is small, compact, the oldest and most urban settlement on the island of Dominica.

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