Western Sahara Map

Western Sahara Map

by Vishal Kumar


About Western Sahara

Explore this Western Sahara map to learn everything you want to know about this country. Learn about Western Sahara location on the world map, official symbol, flag, geography, climate, postal/area/zip codes, time zones, etc. Check out Western Sahara history, significant states, provinces/districts, & cities, most popular travel destinations and attractions, the capital city’s location, facts and trivia, and many more.

People of Western Sahara: mostly of Arab and Berber descent, the people of Western Sahara are called Sahrawis. They all belong to the Sunni Muslim sect. they mostly live a nomadic life and are closely related to the Bedouin race.

Arts, Culture and Music of Western Sahara: the people in Western Sahara specialize in the making of handcrafted curio. The Sahrawi people make some really good desert music too. Their music has similarities to that of the music in Mauritania. The main musical instruments that they use are the ‘Tbal’ – which is a kind of drum – and the ‘Tidinit’ – a kind of stringed instrument.

Flag of Western Sahara: the flag of Western Sahara too consists of the colors that dominate most flags in the African continent. So, here too the chief colors are red, black, white and green.Along with these colors, the flag also has a crescent moon and a star to symbolize its Islamic identity.

The red color in the flag depicts the martyr’s blood that has been spilt in the quest for independence, black stands for Moroccan occupation of the country and also of the people of Africa, white stands for peace and the green triangle on the left side represents the intention of turning the desert into fertile land.

Economy of Western Sahara: in the desert of the Western Sahara, people live a nomadic. So, livelihood is mainly obtained from rearing herds of camels, sheep and goats. Fishing is another important factor that largely contributes to the economy. The other economic resources that bring in most of the country’s revenues are handicrafts and phosphate and iron ore mining.

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