Netherlands Facts

Facts about Netherlands

Official Name Kingdom of the Netherlands
Continent Europe
Lat Long 52 30 N, 5 45 E
Area 41,543 Sq km (16,033 sq mi)
Population 17100715
Capital Amsterdam
Largest City Amsterdam
Official Languages Dutch (Official)
Major Religion Roman Catholic 28%, Protestant 19% (includes Dutch Reformed 9%, Protestant Church of The Netherlands, 7%, Calvinist 3%), other 11% (includes about 5% Muslim and lesser numbers of Hindu, Buddhist, Jehovah’s Witness, and Orthodox), none 42% (2009 est.)
National Day King’s Day (the King’s birthday of 27 April (1967); celebrated on 26 April if 27 April is a Sunday)
Form of Government Semi-federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
President NA
Vice President Piet Hein Donner
Prime Minister Mark Rutte
Currency Euro
GDP $818.249 billion (2015 estimate)
Calling Code +31 , +599
Time Zone CET (UTC+1) AST (UTC-4) Summer (DST) CEST (UTC+2) AST (UTC-4)
Internet TLD .nl, .bq, .fr

Where is Netherlands?

The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located in north-west Europe and in the Caribbean.

What is the capital of Netherlands?

Amsterdam is the capital and the largest city in the Netherlands. The city is also the financial and cultural capital of the country.

What countries border Netherlands?

The Netherlands is bordered on the east by Germany, on the south by Belgium, and on the west and north by the North Sea.

How big is the Netherlands?

Netherlands covers a total area of 16,033 square miles. According to the 2011 census, the estimated population of the country is 16,732,400.

What are the administrative divisions of Netherlands?

The Netherlands is divided into twelve administrative regions; these regions are known as provinces.

These provinces are further divided into municipalities (gemeenten). The provinces are governed by a Governor, known as the Commissaris van de Koningin (Commissioner of the Queen).

Who are the political leaders of Netherlands?

The government of the Netherlands is a parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarch.
Monarch – Beatrix
Prime Minister – Mark Rutte
Deputy Prime Minister – Maxime Verhagen

What currency is used in Netherlands?

The Euro denoted by the ISO 4217 code EUR is the official currency of the Netherlands. It replaced the Dutch guilder that was the currency of the Netherlands from the seventeenth century until 2002.

What is the official language of Netherlands?

Dutch is the official language of the Netherlands. The country has another official language, called Frisian; it is spoken in the northern province of Friesland. French, German, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic, and Russian are also spoken.

What is the religion of Netherlands?

Roman Catholicism is most widely practiced religion of the Netherlands, followed by the Protestant Church and the Lutheran Church. There are also a significant number of Muslims in the country.

What is the economy of Netherlands like?

The Netherlands is the sixteenth-largest economy in the world and has played a special role in the European economy. Shipping, fishing, trade, banking, chemicals, metallurgy, machinery, electrical, goods and tourism are the major sectors/industries. The capital city, Amsterdam is the financial and business capital of the Netherlands. The Amsterdam Stock Exchange is the oldest stock exchange of the world. The United Kingdom and Germany are the major trading partners of the country.

When is the national day of Netherlands celebrated?

The national day of the Netherlands is celebrated every year on May 5. The day commemorates the end of the occupation by Nazi Germany during the Second World War. The national day is also called the Liberation Day.

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