Estonia Weather

Estonia is a country in the continent of Europe. Estonia weather is temperate in nature. Estonia weather is also characterized by fresh summers and breezy winter seasons with intense snow in the winter seasons.

The weather of Estonia has the tendency to be damp and cloudy.

The climate of Estonia in the autumn and spring season is usually mild. The winter season in Estonia stretches from the month of November to the month of March. Rainfall in Estonia is evenly distributed all throughout the year and in the month of August Estonia receives the highest amount of rainfall.

The Estonia climate demands the usage of lighter clothes in the summer season and in the winter season hot clothes are required. The tourists to Estonia should have rain wear whenever they visit the country.

The best time to visit the country of Estonia is between the months of May to September. The temperature of Estonia in the day time varies between 20° C to 25° Celsius in these months and in the nights the temperature ranges between 4° C to 15° C.

As the country of Estonia is beside the Baltic Sea, the country experiences sea breeze. There are four seasons in Estonia. Each of the seasons in Estonia maintain nearly equal spans. In the winter season, Estonia experiences tepid air. The western and the northern coastal areas of Estonia are gentler than the interior areas of the country.

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