Chile Festival

The Chile Festival makes the culture of the country more colorful. There are four main festivals along with some other festivals that originated from different clans and smaller groups or vicinities.

The festivals in Chile, which are celebrated nationally, are the following:

  • Fiesta de San Pedro – takes place in the coasts of Chile. The people of this place come in their real celebration mood when the fishermen decorate their small boats and take the photograph of their vehicle in the sea. Often at night it is laminated by candles. This festival prays for good weather at sea and good catches for the year.
  • Fiestas Patrias – This is the festival of Chile’s Independence Day and is celebrated throughout the country streets with vibrating carnivals, music and dancing in the country.
  • Fiesta Grande de la Virgen de Andacollo – Almost 100,000 pilgrims scattered all over the northern Chile come to the sacred place of Andacollo in Norte Chico, to worship the Virgen and experience the famous masked dance.

The most important Chilean festival takes place in the Norte Grande region, in the small town of La Tirana. Every year, 12th to the 18th of July, almost 40, 000 worshipers come to pray to the Virgin of Carmel, Chile’s patron angel.

Festival Internacional de la Cancion is the Chilean International Song Festival celebrated in February. On November 1st, All Saints Day is celebrated as the national custom when all makes a visit to their relative’s grave. Other chief Chile festivals are the Christmas and Easter, celebrated largely through out the country.

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