Suriname Population

Suriname is a country located in the northern region of South America. It was under the colonial rule of the Dutch civilization for a long time. Presently, the population is a curious mix of a variety of different ethnicities and races. The Suriname population is made up of a number of races, and various religions are practiced. There are many different cultures which make up the Suriname population.

The population density in Suriname is one of the lowest in the world. The coastal areas are more densely populated, while the inland have relatively low density of population. The present population of Suriname is estimated to be about 470,784, Suriname has fairly low birth rates and death rates, low rate of population growth, and an evenly balanced male to female ratio in its population.

The mix of ethnicities in the Suriname population is quite intriguing. About a third of the population is constituted by Indian or Hindustani people. There is a sizable Javanese population, as well a a number of Creolites. Lastly, there are a number of Chinese, European and African people whop round up the constitution of the Suriname population.

Religions practiced include Hinduism, Protestantism, Roman Catholicism and Islam.

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