Laos Weather

Laos Weather is determined by the geographical location of the country, which is situated in the center of Southeast Asia. The latitude of Laos is 18°01′ North and longitude of the country is 102°48′ east.

The geographic coordinates are 1800 N and 10500 E. Therefore Laos enjoys a tropical climate.

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In April temperature as high as 38 degree Celsius, can be felt in the low land areas along the Mekong River in the west and south. The lowest temperature of this area can come down to 18°Celsius in the month of January. In the highlands nights are practically freezing in December and January. But in March and April the weather is fine. The above specifications can help us determine that the weather of Laos is relatively hot.

Weather in Laos is mostly normal. Extreme situations are not found quite often. Laos mostly have a cloudy sky. In spite of the warmth in the summer days humidity is not very high.

During the rainy seasons the weather is quite comfortable. In rainy season you can encounter drizzle as well as rain along with thunder storm. Laos Weather is more or less fine throughout the year.

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