Where is Aewol li Located?

Map showing where is Aewol li located in South Korea.

Aewol-li is a town located on Jeju Island, which is a province of South Korea. Jeju Island is situated off the southern coast of the Korean Peninsula, and Aewol-li specifically is on the northern coast of Jeju Island. Aewol-li, a coastal haven graced by artistic vibes, welcomes you to a city where the sound of waves harmonizes with the creativity of the community. With its sandy shores and artistic communities, Aewol-li is a city where the canvas of the coastline becomes a backdrop for both natural beauty and artistic expressions. Aewol-li’s Hyeopjae Beach offers pristine sands and clear waters, providing a scenic setting for beachgoers and water enthusiasts. The city’s O’Sulloc Tea Museum celebrates Jeju’s tea culture, showcasing the art of tea production and tastings. Aewol-li’s coastal allure and artistic vibes make it a city where the ebb and flow of the tides complement the creative spirit of the community.

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