African countries with the worst quality of life for children

African Countries Mapped by Human Development Index

Taking our thematic maps collection forward, our thematic maps team researched and put together two yet another insightful maps on Africa. The two thematic maps recently added are based on ‘Human Development Index’ or ‘HDI. This helps us understand the human development trend in different countries. It is a standard way of measuring life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living. In essence it helps us in understanding and measuring well-being and quality of life, especially for children. Thematic Maps recently added for Africa:

What do you know? Do you know the HDI for your country? Did you know HDI impacts child welfare? What are your ideas to help combat this global crisis? Share comments below, Tweet us up or Write on our Facebook Wall. About ‘Did You Know?’: With the wealth of information we have put together in last 8 years, we’re starting a blog-post series called ‘Did You Know’; Insightful pieces of information about the world we live in; the facts, the figures and some surprising themes. Got an interesting fact, figure or theme? Share your ideas and we’ll be sure to put it on a map.

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