Where is Arjawinangun Located?

Map showing where is Arjawinangun located in Indonesia.

Arjawinangun is a district in the Cirebon Regency of West Java, Indonesia. It is situated in the northern part of West Java, northeast of the city of Cirebon. Arjawinangun is known for its agricultural activities, particularly rice cultivation, and it serves as a center for trade and commerce in the region. Nestled amidst lush landscapes, the town offers a blend of traditional charm and rural simplicity, providing a refreshing escape from urban hustle. Positioned in the northern part of Java, Arjawinangun’s location in the Cirebon Regency historically made it an agricultural area, known for its rice fields and greenery. The town’s serene atmosphere, traditional markets, and its role as a gateway to the natural beauty of Cirebon showcase Arjawinangun as a place where rural tranquility meets cultural richness.

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