
What Continent is Russia In?

Russia is the largest country in the world by area. It stretches from Eastern Europe to the North Pacific Region.…

2 weeks ago

What Are the Lowest Land Points on Earth?

Lowest Land Point on Earth Adventurous people aim to climb the highest points like the majestic Mount Everest - the…

3 years ago

How big is France in comparison to Belgium?

How Big is France? France and Belgium are two prosperous European nations located in the western part of the continent.…

3 years ago

How were the Himalayas Formed?

How did the Himalayas formed? The snow-capped mighty Himalayas have nine of the top ten highest peaks on Earth, including…

3 years ago

How many Oceans touch Canada?

Canada is surrounded by three Oceans namely – the Atlantic Ocean on the east, the Pacific Ocean on the west,…

4 years ago

Which Countries Lie on the Equator?

The Equator is the imaginary line that is drawn around the center of the Earth, dividing our planet into two…

5 years ago

What is The Capital of Kazakhstan?

The Republic of Kazakhstan is the largest country in Central Asia. With Russia to the north and north west, the…

5 years ago