Which Countries Are Largely Vegetarian?

Despite the growing trend, vegetarianism and 'veganism' (the way of living that seeks to exclude animal products and by-products such…

7 years ago

Is Coffee Good For Health?

Apart from water, coffee and tea are the two most widely consumed beverages in the world. Over 2.25 billion cups…

7 years ago

What countries have the highest number of researchers in science?

Scientific and technological research plays a pivotal role in the development of a nation. In fact, the number of researchers…

7 years ago

Is China A Developed Country?

Is China developed? That is a question which everyone asks, since the country is one of the fastest growing economies.…

7 years ago

Is New Zealand An Island?

New Zealand is a country in the South Pacific Ocean that is made up of two main islands and several…

7 years ago

In Which Country Was The Nazi Party Founded?

The National Socialist German Workers’ Party is the political party that we commonly refer to when we speak of the…

7 years ago

Is UAE in Asia?

Yes. United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a federal absolute monarchy in Western Asia. UAE is a collective of seven emirates—Abu…

7 years ago