Mapsofworld and being a Part of the Solution

Are you here with a solution or are you part of the problem?  Every time we look at changing something in Mapsofworld or consider creating a new module, we ask ourselves this straight question. We are committed to being a team with the solution and we dare not become part of the problem, which our user is seeking an answer for. Committed to this thought, we try to keep things simple – like if someone is searching for a “World Map” we show him a World Map. Similarly, we try to break complex requirements down to the least probable denominator and solve it at that end.

If someone just searches for “Leaning Tower of Pisa” and doesn’t specify what exactly the search is all about, we read it this way:

1. Info about leaning tower of Pisa

2. Where is it located within Italy?

3. Where is it located within the city of Pisa?

4. Map marking location

5. Fast facts

We don’t stop there, but go on to answer all other questions that can come to a user’s mind and ensure that they are addressed too. Our page on Leaning Tower of Pisa.

This approach to site management helps. Wherever we are one in the crowd and bring about no value- add, we bow out.  Exceptional value-adds are difficult. We have experienced that. But they are not impossible, we have experienced that too.

Categories: Strategy Travel
Tags: Italy.Pisa
Simarprit Singh: <p>For 26 years I have been doing what I want to. I know I have been lucky. I don't beat around the bush. Not too much into networking. Hate those who push connections over merit. Love traveling. Quality or Quantity still puzzle me at times.</p> <br /> <strong>Founder of </strong> <p> <a href="http://www.mapsofworld.com">MapsofWorld</a> : Maps are everywhere on MapsofWorld.com: for students, travelers, researchers, instructors, the layman . . . just about everyone. </p> <p><a href="http://www.mapsofindia.com">Mapsofindia</a> : MapsofIndia.com is the largest online repository of maps on India since 1998. The site provides business mapping solutions and thematic map images of India.</p>