Dance Forms Around the World

“Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.” – Voltaire Dance has been an ancient art form – one that mankind had taken to in an effort to physically express emotions, to celebrate and to showcase its rich culture. Different dance forms have developed in […]

Top Politicians Around The World In 2015

There are several politicians who are popular in their own countries but are not very visible in international politics, while there are politicians who may be popular in international politics but may not enjoy wide support in their own countries. In either case, popularity remains a subjective interpretation and changes with time or events as […]

How to Say Hello around the World?

Greetings are the first thing that we exchange with people from other cultures such as ones who do not speak our language or ones who are from a different country or perhaps a different part of the same country itself. It is the pleasant demeanor and a smiling face that helps us strike a conversation […]