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Bluefields City Guide

by Vishal Kumar

Bluefield is the city on the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua and has a very diverse and vibrant community. Bluefields has a great local sports culture. Basketball is really popular around here.

Bluefields is situated at the entrance of Rio Escondido. Bluefields in Nicaragua is cut off by the Carribean Sea and mountain ranges on two sides. The city was founded by Portuguese in 1602 .It came under the British empire after thirty years. A colony was founded by the British in 1730.The British kept Bluefields under their control till the 19th century.

Bluefields has a mixed culture and most of the people speak English. The entire city was destroyed by hurricane twenty years back. The city of Bluefields experiences a hot and humid climate. Rain fall is heavy. The Bluefields city maintains its rich culture and Palo de Mayo festival is celebrated with great pomp and show. The rhythm and the dance of the black population are full of energy and color. They also shoe gymnastics on poles and ropes.

Bluefields is full of tropical rain forests which are also the home of exotic plants and wild life. Corn Island in Bluefields is a wonderful tourist attraction. The sun kissed beaches, coral reefs and the crystal clear water make it a paradise on earth. It is the best place for tourists to enjoy swimming, fishing, snorkeling and diving.

Bluefields Trip in Nicaragua is an adventure.

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