
Where is Buena Vista, California

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Location: Buena Vista Lake Bed Latitude: 35.12N Longitude: 119.18W

Where is Buena Vista, California
Description:Map showing location Buena Vista in California state of USA. Disclaimer

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Facts About Buena Vista

City Name Buena Vista
ContinentNorth America
CountryUnited State
CountyAmador County
Capital and largest cityNA
Area4.200 km2 (1.622 sq mi)
Population429 (2010)
Lat Long38°17′40″N 120°54′48″W
Official LanguageEnglish, Spoken languages - English 57.4%, Spanish 28.5% Chinese 2.8% Tagalog 2.2%
Area code(s) NA
Time ZonePacific Time Zone (UTC-08:00)
Nearest AirportNA
CurrencyUnited States dollar ($) (USD)

Source :    www2.census.gov

Last Updated on: December 29, 2016