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Palau Latitude and Longitude Map

Palau's latitude and longitude is 07° 30' N and 134° 30' E . Below is the map of Palau showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it.

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Palau Latitude and Longitude Map
Description: Find Palau latitude and longitude map showing comprehensive details including cities, roads, towns, airports and much more. Disclaimer

Palau is located within the latitude and longitude of 07° 30 N, 134° 30 E. The Republic of Palau is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean.

It is located some 500 miles east of the Philippines. Palau is one of the world's youngest and smallest nations. The capital city of Palau is Melekeok. The latitude and longitude of Melekeok, the capital city of Palau country is 07° 29' N, 134º 38 E'. Palau is 14 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time.

The latitude and longitude of Palau includes 458 sq km of total land area. The land area within the latitude and longitude of Palau is divided into sixteen states. The climate within this latitude and longitude of Palau is tropical in nature. The annual average temperature of Palau is 27 °C. Rainfall occurs throughout the year in Palau, averaging a total of 3,800 mm. Most frequent rain falls occur between July and October. The average humidity over the course of the year within this latitude and longitude of Palau is 82%.

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