
Estonia Latitude and Longitude Map

Estonia's latitude and longitude is 59° 00' N and 26° 00' E . Below is the map of Estonia showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it.
Estonia Latitude and Longitude Map
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The small republic of Estonia beside the Baltic Sea lies within the latitude and longitude of 59° 00'N and 26° 00'E respectively.

Covering a total area of 45,125 sq km Estonia's capital city is Tallinn which further covers the latitude and longitude of 59° 26' N and 24° 45' E respectively. Estonia's latitude and longitude denominations makes it a very favorable option for tourists. Although, the economy is largely agriculture based.

The latitude and longitude within which Estonia lies gives it a climate which is typical of a coastal type of climate. Summers are cool while winters produce moderate temperatures but sometimes even winters in the coastal areas like Estonia can become chilling when the Baltic Sea freezes.

Latitude and Longitude of Estonia

Dago/Hiiumaa 58° 50'N 22° 45'E
Haapsalu 58° 56'N 23° 30'E
Hijumaa 58° 50'N 22° 45'E
Jogeva 58° 45'N 26° 24'E
Johvi 59° 22'N 27° 27'E
Kardla 58° 50'N 22° 40'E
Keila 59° 18'N 24° 25'E
Khiuma/Hiiumaa 58° 50'N 22° 45'E
Kihnu 58° 09'N 24° 01'E
Kingisepp/Kuressaare 58° 15'N 22° 30'E
Kohtla-Jarve 59° 20'N 27° 20'E
Kunda 59° 30'N 26° 34'E
Kuressaare 58° 15'N 22° 30'E
Moisakula 58° 03'N 25° 12'E
Muhu 58° 36'N 23° 11'E
Munamagi 57° 43'N 27° 04'E
Naissar 59° 34'N 24° 29'E
Narva 59° 23'N 28° 12'E
Narva Bay 59° 35'N 27° 35'E
Orissaare 58° 34'N 23° 05'E
Osel/Saaremaa 58° 30'N 22° 30'E
Paide 58° 57'N 25° 31'E
Paldiski 59° 23'N 24° 09'E
Parnu 58° 28'N 24° 33'E
Poltsamaa 58° 41'N 25° 58'E
Polva 58° 03'N 27° 03'E
Rakvere 59° 20'N 26° 25'E
Rapla 59° 01'N 24° 52'E
Reval/Tallinn 59° 22'N 24° 48'E
Ruhnu 57° 48'N 23° 15'E
Sillamae 59° 24'N 27° 45'E
Tartu 58° 20'N 26° 44'E
Valga 57° 47'N 26° 2'E
Viljandi 58° 28'N 25° 30'E
Vorts , Jarv 58° 16'N 26° 3'E
Voru 57° 48'N 26° 54'E

Last Updated on: November 13th, 2017